Thursday, October 18, 2007

Colonial Williamsburg, VA

Although many in our family are the get-up-early-and-leave-early-type of people, Doug and I are not necessarily that way. Wednesday morning we wanted to have some time with Jack and Joan so we did not get away from their house until about 9:30. That still left us enough time to drive to Williamsburg and spend the afternoon there.

We arrived in time for a great and authentic old world lunch at the King's Arm Tavern. Then we began to walk the old Colonial town of Williamsburg. We wandered the streets enjoying the houses and buildings and envisioning ourselves as 18th century citizens of the town. Of course, we also carried our cameras to record the event. Not very 18th century of us.

Eventually, we left to find a motel for the night, walked back to Williamsburg and continued our visit of the old town. At one point, Doug went off to take pictures and I spent a little time shopping in the market area. Once we were reunited, we ate dinner outside, it was a warm evening, at The Trellis Restaurant. This is a very famous restaurant due to it's chef, the author of Death by Chocolate. Yes, we did have a chocolate dessert and it was incredible. Then we walked back to our motel. It seems that we may have walked about 6 miles yesterday. Today we are feeling the effects but it was worth the effort.

The toy store in Williamsburg, VA.

The Christmas Shop in Williamsburg, VA.

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