Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Monday, September 24

Today's drive was much more enjoyable than yesterday's, probably because I was not so tired. We drove through upper Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania. The forests hugged the road. Trees have begun to change colors; lime green, yellow, gold, orange and red amongst the mostly green trees. Wildflowers were still in bloom in bright purple, yellow and white. Breaks in the forest reveled beautiful farms. Green and gold fields of corn. White houses nestled among the trees and big red barns. Tall grey silos stood sentinel over each farm. With only a few variations, this seems to be the typical mid-west farm.

The original plan for Monday was to visit the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. We ended up taking a highway that by-passed Cleveland proper and just for once, we wanted to get to our hotel before dark. So, we drove through the beautiful country and then went straight to Erie, PA. It felt really good to have time to just rest, get a good dinner and be in bed at a reasonable time.

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